Saturday, December 18, 2010

Niqab: Oppression or Liberation?

Niqab: a face veil covering the lower part of the face (up to the eyes) worn by observant Muslim women

Oppression: the state of being kept down by unjust use of force or authority

Liberation: To set free, as from oppression, confinement, or foreign control

When I think of oppression, I think of slavery, prejudice, inequality, dictatorship, rape, abuse, lesser race, caste and class, the MAN, voting rights, civil rights, misogynist, and so on. So the question stands, can a niqab, a piece of cloth placed over the face, become a vehicle for oppression? Well, of course it can. Just like a miniskirt, or a haircut, or a room in a house.

Compairing the niqab to the miniskirt.

If a person of authority forces a woman to wear a mini-skirt every day, in order to make her feel used and worthless, the mini-skirt, a piece of fabric, then becomes a vehicle for oppression. It gets tricky when one tries to determine what actions fall under “force”. In America, we live in a society that is over sexualized. This is not an extreme statement; this is a common sense statement. Sex is everywhere: shows, movies, commercials, newsstands, street corners, schools, workplaces, and even places of worship. We live in an age where sex-scandals are top news-stories. These scandals have no limits- pastors and congressmen caught in homosexual acts, celebrities committing adultery with porn-stars and prostitutes, and let’s not forget about the molesting priests.

One would think a society with so much sexual deviance would try to counter this behavior with positive reinforcement. Perhaps a troubled society like this would encourage their young women and men to have decency and respect for their bodies. But this is just an ideology. The truth is that on the cover every popular teen magazine, you will find titles like, “Wanted List: Mod Mini-Skirts” (promoting the shortest skirts paired with platform stiletto heels) and “How to Make Out” (a complete detailed guide on tongue kissing).

Yet some women will argue that dressing sexy is a form of liberation. These women will say it is their right to bare their bodies and the female body is something that should be celebrated and not covered up. Buying into this concept might be easy if there were no such thing as “the glass ceiling”, sexual harassment, eating disorders, and the constant sexual objectification of teen girls and women on almost every media outlet.

The niqab is a relatively new concept in the west. Until recently, Americans would be most familiar with the face veiling from episodes of I Dream of Jeanni or from images of seductive and mysterious belly dancers from various films.

However, in these post 9/11 times, images of the niqab come to the west in forms of Afghan women covered in head-to-toe burqas in worn-torn Afghanitan. We read and watch news stories about women who are confined to their homes, not allowed to go to school or work. We read about young women falling victim to honor-killings and forced nuptials. Images of veiled women being beaten in the streets for having their ankles exposed immediately resurface when the American thinks about the niqab.

The trick question: What about American niqabbis? Not only immigrant women, but many American Muslim converts have adopted the niqab to demonstrate modesty and rebellion against a sexed-up culture. Some of these women even consider the niqab as a symbol of feminist liberation, taking back their rights over their bodies and the way society judges them. Some Western societies feel the niqab as being an threat, and have actually banned the garmet. This is one thing mini skirt wearers won’t have to worry about unless they visit Saudi-Arabia or another country where there are modesty laws in place for women.

“Their husbands force them to wear it”, “They are oppressing themselves”, “They have no identity.” Sure, these sentiments could be true of some women who don the niqab, just as the exact same sentiments could be true of a woman who sports a mini skirt. When it comes down to it, a piece of cloth cannot oppress a woman. A government, a society, an employer, husband, or father: they can oppress. They can misuse their authority to keep women down by denying them education and filling their minds with the words of men, instead of the words of God.

Society can oppress by portraying an unattainable image of what beauty should be and shove it down the throats of young impressionable girls and women everyday through every vessel. Oppressive husbands use insults and physical domination to hold down their women. A niqab, a miniskirt, an advertisement, a written or unwritten law, and sexist epithets are just a few examples of the devices for which oppressors can use to make women feel and exist as a lesser gender.

Do you get it? We are focusing on the wrong thing! Niqab? Mini-skirt? These things mean nothing. Educating minds and nurturing souls should be at the forefront of discussion. Let a woman have confidence. Let her believe in her God-given attributes. Let her build up her character and her faith and connection to God. By always focusing on what a woman is wearing or not wearing, we are encouraging the actions of the oppressors. We are tearing down the fragile state of the teenage girl, who is just beginning to figure out where her place is in the world. By empowering our women, we are empowering our societies. By oppressing our women, we are oppressing mankind.

The Prophet Muhammad said, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him:
“Your Heaven lies under the feet of your mother.” (Ahmad, Nasai)

Judge Not!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Meaning of Thanksgiving

I hate to be the one to ruin everybody's festivities, but where truth lies, it must be uncovered. What is thanksgiving? What does it represent? In school we were taught about the Mayflower and a wonderful feast between the Native Americans and the Pilgrims. The truth? Yes Native Americans, like Squanto, taught the Europeans all about this "new world" and how to cultivate it. What did they get in return for their services? 93 epidemics between 1520 and 1918, including 41 eruptions of smallpox. European disease wiped out 95% of the East Coastal tribal population. What else did the Europeans "give" to the Natives? Destroying their land, their bison, and their culture. Enslavement and indentured servants.

Okay, so maybe Thanksgiving is engraved in your family tradition, and it's a time of year when everyone has off of work and school and the whole family gets together to create memories and good times. Would it be too much to ask to say a prayer for the fallen civilizations Of aboriginal Americans, like the Iroquois and Seminoles and the displaced Natives of the Mississippi Ohio area like the Osage, Kaw, Ponca and Omaha? Say a prayer for them and for their descendants, who are still feeling the devastating effects of those European settlers.

As for me? I want to be with my family. I want to eat and be joyful, but can I really celebrate the destruction of someone else's culture? Which is a part of my culture, being able to trace the Cherokee blood in my own ancestry. Many Native Americans look at Thanksgiving as a day of mourning. I will never look at Turkey day the same again.

Judge Not!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Finding Peace through Faith, Family, and Creativity

Sometimes Life seems to be moving incredibly fast. It just seems like we are going through the motions without stopping to think or reflect. Sometimes life can seem to be hectic and overwhelming. At these times frustration can overshadow appreciation and patience. Negativity can outweigh positivity... but only if we let it.

What are the things that bring you peace? The things that bring you peace are the things that bring you joy when your situation appears to be grim. The things that bring you peace lift you up when your spirit is dragging on the ground. Your fire is lit; you are recharged; you are ready to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and face the world with a renewed optimism.

These are the things that bring me peace:

Wudu and Prayer: Wudu is the process Muslims preform of cleaning oneself before the prayer. This ablution purifies both the body and the spirit. Salat is the prayer preformed by Muslims five times a day (or at least we try!). For me the actual motions of standing and prostrating to my Lord while reciting the Arabic prayer brings a tranquility over my being.

My daughter I would be lying if I said my almost two-year-old was a constant source of tranquility! However, the undying love and appreciation she shows towards me is so terrific! And her smile and infectious laugh are instant mood lifters!

Writing: Everyone needs an outlet, and for me that is writing. Whether it be poetry, short stories, journal entries or blogs; writing has always been there for me- a constant companion through the good and the bad times.

Judge Not!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Blogger's Life...

Hey everybody! I haven't written in my blog in such a long time! But don't worry, I haven't stopped writing. I've been taking Eng 101 and Eng 223. The latter is a creative writing class, and I must say it is much more challenging than I imagined. We have to write short stories(5-15 pgs.)which is really fun. The not so fun part is getting all the criticism from the teacher and the other classmates. Even though I must say, I have grown to appreciate the constructive criticism.

Anyways, the reason I brought this up is because my stories have always had Muslim characters. I purposely did this just to show that Muslims are humans that experience life with all its ups and downs just like everyone else. However, some of the responses I've received from my classmates are disparaging. In one story, the husband was not supportive of his wife, and I got a comment saying that was indicative of the Muslim "culture" (ignorant of the fact Muslims come from a vast number of cultures). So my next story had a really supportive husband, and I was told that was "unrealistic because Muslim women are not respected by their husbands." The student went on to admit that all she knew about Muslims was from the negative media reports, and in those reports "Muslim women have to bow down to their husbands."

I must say, I have never heard that particular thing said about Muslim women, but it is often implied in the media that Muslim women are "living in the shadows" of their male counterparts. So I'm left at a crossroad- How can I relate the American-Muslim experience to people who are so brainwashed about Islam, that they won't even entertain the thought of Muslims being "normal" people? I have some ideas... I'll keep you updated!

Judge Not!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Is That a Bomb in Your Pants or Are You Just Happy To See Me?

Nigerian Bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmuttalib, AKA "Hot Pants" tried to commit acts of terrorism on December 25, 2009.

I wanted to take this opportunity to say that this sexually frustrated, Islamically adrift, coo-coo young man is not a person would I would feel sorry for, look up to, or be proud of in any matter.

Anyone who puts a bomb in there britches in the name of Islam is truly lost...

... Did he learn nothing from Wiley Coyote?

-Judge Not!